Release Notes

Web App Enhancements

Save and find your favorites by Starring a Library or a List

  • Now, you can quickly access important Libraries and Lists by starring them. Once starred, find them easily under the Starred section in your library—no more searching through the entire structure. Stay organized and speed up your workflow with this simple way to keep frequently used items at your fingertips.

Performance and stability improvements

  • Various performance and stability improvements.
Bug Fixes
  • Various bug fixes.
Web App Enhancements

Easier data imports for custom multi-value fields

  • You can now import custom multi-value fields using comma-separated values (e.g., value, value, value) alongside the previous semicolon-separated format. This makes importing data from external databases like EndNote, EMBASE, and Ovid quicker and more efficient, saving you time and reducing the need for manual reformatting.

Clearer author formatting in exports

  • When exporting data, we’ve made author names easier to read and sort through. The export now includes separate columns for First Author and Last Author. The “Authors” column is also reformatted to list names consistently as “Last Name, First Name,” improving the clarity of your data.

Performance and stability improvements

  • Various performance and stability improvements.
Bug Fixes
  • Various bug fixes.
Web App Enhancements

Revision history (Audit logs)

  • Library Admins can now view the complete interaction history for any paper. For organizations with custom fields, a new tab in the article details panel displays all changes in chronological order. Additionally, Admins can export to CSV for easy reporting.

Performance and stability improvements

  • Various performance and stability improvements.
Bug Fixes
  • Various bug fixes.
Web App Enhancements

Advanced Search Improvements

  • The Advanced Search interface has improvements to guide users towards a more effective search query. 
    • Step labels (1) and (2) are added to the query design and preview area so users can more clearly see the order of operations to create an effective search query. 
    • Operators are now all uppercase (AND, OR, NOT) to match the query syntax.

Extended list of available fields for Full-text search

  • The list of available fields in the Advanced Search Query Builder has been extended for users who have full-text searching enabled on their account. 

“Seen” articles in Search results list

  • After the search query is performed and the result list is presented, any reference that is visited (e.g. clicked on) is marked as “seen” by changing the title color slightly. This feature is implemented on the browser level and remembers the last 200 references, including papers and patents.

Enhancement on “Add to Library” pop up

  • Previously, users had to click exactly on the checkbox in order to select a destination Library where they want to add their reference. Now the whole row is clickable and acts like a selection action, while the carrot icon (arrow down) will expand or collapse the Library and Lists below.
Bug Fixes
  • Various bug fixes.
Web App Enhancements

Improved authors display in the Library.

  • We understand that researchers often need to view detailed author information at a glance. The Library’s ‘Authors’ column now displays all author last names, instead of “[first author] et al”. We’ve also introduced a ‘First Author’ column for researchers who prefer a more concise level of author details.

Consistent author information across the platform.

  • We’ve made the presentation of authors across Library and Search more consistent. This addresses the needs of all researchers for quick, standardized recognition of author names across the platform. 

Increasing exposure of new features.

  • Never miss a new feature that could revolutionize your workflow! We’re introducing callouts to help guide users to the newest features of the platform.

Performance and stability improvements.

Bug Fixes
  • Various bug fixes.
Web App Enhancements

SmartCite for Word 2.6.52

Narrative Citation Support

  • SmartCite now supports narrative citation formatting, offering users greater flexibility in how references are displayed. You can toggle between narrative and parenthetical styles for individual citations. Narrative citations are supported in styles that include author and year (e.g., APA), while numeric and footnote styles will retain standard formatting options.

Improved Cursor Placement After Adding Citations

  • We’ve enhanced the cursor behavior in SmartCite for a smoother writing experience. When inserting a citation at the end of a line, the cursor will now automatically move to the position after the citation, enabling you to continue typing without interruptions.
Bug Fixes

Web App bugfixes update 5.0.10

  • Update copy to better reflect organisation search functionality
  • Fixed sidebar flickering upon adding manual entry, making it difficult to add and edit library items.
  • Fixed menu navigation issues with tag.
  • Fixed intermittent issues that occur due to loading time.
Web App Enhancements
  • Extended Library and List Name Length
    Library and List names can now be more descriptive! The character limit has been expanded from 20 to 50 characters, giving you greater flexibility to label your collections in detail.Longer names are truncated to provide an uncluttered, easy to read Library navigation menu. To view these longer names at a glance, simply hover over the labels to view the full name in a tooltip.
  • Import from Identifiers now supports Patent ID
    We’ve expanded our identifier-based import feature to include Patent IDs. Easily import references using Patent IDs, or combine it in the list together with other supported identifiers. Note: To ensure a successful import, please make sure the Patent ID does not contain any spaces.
Bug Fixes
  • Various bug fixes have been implemented to improve stability, enhance performance, and ensure a smoother user experience across the platform.
Web App Enhancements

Discoverable Libraries

Easily find and join relevant libraries within your organization

We understand that it can be difficult for members of a large organization to know where to go to find papers that are relevant to your areas of focus.

Discoverable Libraries are a new way to collaborate and access shared knowledge within your organization. In addition to existing shared libraries (invitation-only spaces), Discoverable Libraries let you browse and join available resources independently, without needing an invitation.

  • Find and join relevant resources
    Use your organization’s new ‘Discover’ page to browse and join available Shared Libraries with 1 click.  
  • Preview Libraries before joining
    Each Library has an optional ‘description’ field to help describe which topics are covered. You can also preview each Library’s contents, making it easy to determine which Libraries are relevant to you. 
  • Simplified navigation
    For users in an organization, the “Shared Libraries” menu item now displays your organization name, making it easy to see which Libraries are part of your organization, and which have been shared with you from external sources.
  • Control “discoverable” option for library admins
    Library admins can manage visibility settings when creating a Library. Choose whether a Shared Library is discoverable on the ‘Discover’ page or remains private, depending on your team’s needs.


Organization Search (Search Papers)

Easily search across literature within the shared libraries you’re a member of

The ability to search for literature across all shared libraries you’re a member of is now conveniently located under the Discover page, located in the shared library section. Navigate to it and quickly locate relevant resources and add those papers to other library locations.


  • Easier to find
    Access Organization Search directly from the Discover page All papers in one search
    The feature provides powerful search capabilities across all papers in your organization, so you can quickly locate relevant resources and add those papers to other Library locations.


Bug Fixes
  • Various bug fixes and performance optimizations.
Web App Enhancements
  • The feature for generating anchor links for annotations has been improved. This allows users to create hyperlinks that link directly to specific annotations within a document.
  • The CSV export interface has been updated to include the functionality for users to select specific fields they wish to export. For a detailed tutorial on how to use this new feature, please refer to the knowledge base article.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed import issues identified by limited users when importing from EndNote


Have any questions or concerns? You can send us an email at and we will be more than happy to help out.

Web App Enhancements


Typeahead for Tags in the Edit panel 

Users can now easily select existing tags when editing references details.

Show List Path on hover in the Info panel

Users can now see the full path in which a reference is saved by hovering over the list name in the Info panel.


Bug Fixes
  • Various bug fixes and performance optimizations


For users with M1-based Macs (Apple Silicon), a native version is available. If you haven’t already updated, please download the latest Mac installer.

Have any questions or concerns? You can send us an email at and we will be more than happy to help out.

Desktop App Enhancements
  • Improved scrolling performance in large libraries
  • Updated the platform framework for improved performance and security
Bug Fixes
  • Various bug fixes and performance optimizations

For users with M1-based Macs (Apple Silicon), a native version is available. If you haven’t already updated, please download the latest Mac installer.

Have any questions or concerns? You can send us an email at and we will be more than happy to help out.

Web App Enhancements
  • Prevent uploading of PDF files secured by Microsoft AIP
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed issue with Zotero import screen asking for an XML file instead of automatically locating the Zotero database on your local drive

For users with M1-based Macs (Apple Silicon), a native version is available. If you haven’t already updated, please download the latest Mac installer.

Have any questions or concerns? You can send us an email at and we will be more than happy to help out.