
Stay informed about our cutting-edge tools, industry trends, and latest updates that will shape the future of research management.

How Document Delivery Helps Teams Retrieve Full-Text Research Articles They Need Fast

It’s a common challenge: a researcher on your team finds the perfect article amongst the thousands of new ones published…

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Introducing Literature Review by ReadCube

Literature Reviews and Systemic Literature Reviews (SLRs) play a crucial role in assessing therapeutic interventions, but historically have demanded significant…

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Enterprise Feature Alert: Personalize Your Workflows With Custom Fields

We know that organizations and teams often have their own ways of categorizing and segmenting their literature libraries, which may…

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Mitigating The ‘Cost’ of Internal Change

Change is crucial for all organizations. It’s also inevitable. Change requires adjustment—not just from the organization in the forms of…

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Collaborating Successfully While Working Remotely

As remote work has become the norm over the past year, the need for virtual collaboration among employees is critical. …

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The Benefits of Centralized Content Management

In the ‘olden days,’ corporations purchased print subscriptions to journals of interest for their on-site libraries, and employees came to…

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ReadCube and GDPR

On May 25, 2018, the European Union (EU) will begin to enforce a new data protection regulation called the General Data…

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